Friday, December 13, 2013

Downy Woodpecker

Thursday is the day the dairy parlor is scrubbed. When I walked into work this morning and realized it hadn't been done yesterday in my absence, I knew this was not going to end well for me. After milking, Jody said she needed to leave because of family obligations. The dairy owners told Mike to clean the U-channel in the barn so he was busy. The herdsman helped scrub until the geneticist came and she needed to talk w/ him. In the end, it was just me. I considered that I should feel upset about this turn of events but I couldn't work myself into a foul mood. Might be that I'd already filled my quota of bad feelings for the week. Maybe because it's Friday. Perhaps it's Christmas spirit. Anyway, I left work 30 minutes before the second shift was due to arrive. Dirty, wet, but feeling OK about it.


Kathy said...

Another great picture.

Anonymous said...

Love the downy woodpecker pic. Carolyn