Saturday, November 02, 2013

Asparagus berries

Volunteered at the library this morning. First guy was a driver for a coach service and needed to print out directions for his stops tomorrow. Next man just needed help using the copy machine. Rose came in. Her printer had quit so she wanted to print out a few pages. The man using the copier finished first. The library charges 15 cents per page for copies so he gave me 45 cents for his three copies. Next to finish was Rose. She said she had four copies so I charged her 60 cents. As people came and went, I alternately helped the driver figure out how to print maps off the computer. When he finished he had six pages. The library charges 10 cents for printing directly from the computer so I charged him 60 cents. That's when it hit me. Rose had used the printer not the copier! Suddenly some story about Abraham Lincoln flashed through my mind - think he walked three miles just to return 6 cents to a customer. Guess I knew how he felt to have overcharged someone. As soon as I closed up the library, I bopped over to Rose's and left an envelope w/ 20 cents and a short note. Then I went home to my log cabin and split wood
... or something like that ; )

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