Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Ruby Meadowhawk dragonfly (male)

I have been slowly making a path along the west side of Gorgeous Gorge. The vegetation is higher than my little garden tractor so I walk 10 to 20 feet ahead making sure there aren't any rocks and then take the mower that far. Each week that I mow, I push the path a little further. Yesterday when I went to turn around after adding another few feet to the path, I hung up the mower on a knoll and couldn't move. Sent an e-mail to my brother who brought out his real tractor today and pulled me free. I thanked him and jumped onto my garden tractor. Should have first considered that, w/ this morning's rain, water would pool in the depression of the padded seat. Doesn't matter, I'm free! (though a little damp) Life is good!

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