Friday, June 07, 2013


The sewer alarm went on again. There had been a possibility of this. The sewer was pumped before the plumber arrived so he hadn't been able to check the pump. The pump must have burnt out when the filter plugged. The plumber said that he couldn't get a new pump until Wednesday but he thought he knew where he might find one. He installed the pump today and everything is working again. However, for how long might be another question. The pump is one that had been returned and it's end cut off. The plumber just spliced in a new end and tested it out. So he isn't charging me for it but admitted it could last a short time or five years. I'm grateful that he found another pump so fast but wonder why we can't build sewer systems like my grandparents and parents had 40 years ago. No pumps, mounds, or pumping out.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

How did Grandpa and Grandma's pump work? I'm curious. We have to have our pump and septic inspected shortly. The thought that if the electricity goes out, our septic pump won't work is a bit scary.