Sunday, May 05, 2013

Unkempt hare

My friend, Nancy, and I are tired of winter. So we took a trip to a greenhouse today. I wanted to get the flower baskets started for Memorial Day and she just wanted to pick up a tomato plant for her husband. Might have been the warm, humid nurseries we walked through, might have been all of the extra oxygen in the place, might have been seeing row upon row of little green plants, might have been that we were shopping. Whatever the reason(s) we spent more money than planned and felt happy doing it.
.P.S. This little rabbit doesn't look sleek because she (like Indy and Ori) is shedding her winter fur.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Love this picture! And not just because it's a bunny - the composure, the lighting, the fuzzy background - it's all good.