Monday, May 20, 2013


As I've said before, I have this theory that everyone is within 10% of the same intelligence (w/ obvious exceptions). I added a corollary that it's what you do w/ your smarts that makes the difference. I may add another that while people have approximately the same intelligence, they don't all have the same thought process. Most people seem to follow logic but I know some people that I call "artistic types" and have a different way of reasoning. I think I found another type I've named "mechanical". At least that's the only way I can figure out why Mike2 can discuss the torque specs of a truck but still thinks milking dip cups magically refill themselves.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I haven't seen cowslips down here nor are the trilliums blooming yet. Actually I keep confusing jack-in-the-pulpits with trilliums only to find the trillium isn't blooming because I haven't looked down far enough to find jack.