Saturday, March 16, 2013

Sculpted Snow

More snow than expected last night. The storm blew in from the east which is unusual around here and my north-south driveway drifted in rather badly. When I had to leave on errands this morning, I went into the garage, hit the button for the opener, and as the door opened I was staring into a huge curved blade. The guy that plows my driveway had just arrived. He laughed at my startled look and quickly finished clearing the rest of the snow. He knows what he's doing. He just skims the top of the gravel leaving a thin layer of snow. That means he doesn't push gravel onto my lawn and even w/ below freezing temps, the snow melts off the gravel when the sun hits it. Of course, w/ all of the practice he's had just this month, he should be good!

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