Monday, November 26, 2012

Full Moon

Read about a schooner that went down in the Great Lakes during a storm 100 years ago. The ship was carrying a load of Christmas trees. A century ago was the era of Yellow Journalism so the papers shouted headlines of "Santa's Ship Sinks in Storm" causing a great bit on consternation among children of that time. Yellow Journalism didn't go away, it just expanded to the Internet. You only have to check out YouTube where videos on World Destruction on Dec. 21 (end of Mayan calender) receive over 3 times the number of hits than videos toting a rational explanation. Again ... causing children a lot of angst that there won't be a Christmas.


Anonymous said...

Dang. I was hoping to save some money on Christmas shopping this year.

Anonymous said...

It's funny because our pastor is picking up on this Mayan rumor and is preaching a new sermon series through the end of December entitled, "The End of the World"
Hahahaha! Can't wait.