Saturday, March 03, 2012

Calendar frame update

 My brother, Phil, made me a calendar frame for Christmas one year. I've used it ever since then. It uses "Lang size" calendars so I'd just get that brand and they always fit. This year was different. I went to a local store and found a Lang calendar I liked but once I got it home, it was an inch in width too small. I went back to the store and other stores in the area - that didn't take too long - but this was the widest calendar I found (that didn't have a picture of Justin Bieber on it). I was concerned that this could reoccur in upcoming years, so I called on my brother, Brent, to see if he had a fix. He made prototypes for me to choose color. Then he cut a quarter-round to fit just inside both edges of the calendar. He fitted the original frame and the quarter-rounds w/ matching Velcro strips. This picture shows the cherry wood inserts. Depending on the color in the picture, I can remove the cherry and substitute a pair of sage-green painted inserts. If I find an original Lang size calendar next year, I'll just put the inserts away until a year I will need them again.    One of those fun projects that worked out perfectly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to save the day Brent. Always a way to solve a problem if you put your mind to it.
