Saturday, February 04, 2012

Sunset Clouds

I'm tired. Indy woke me before dawn to let me know there was something going on. I checked and saw 13 deer walking through the back yard. Not exactly worthy of getting me up early but I thanked Indy anyway for letting me know. After breakfast, I bopped over to see Aunt June and take some Valentine decorations for her room. She was in a good mood and we found things to do until it was time for her brunch. Did my grocery shopping and tried to return a book at the library but the volunteer for this morning must not have shown. Once I got home, I checked immediately - nope, I wasn't the volunteer for today. Took Indy out for a walk and we checked out a maple tree that had recently been cut down. The stump was oozing sap so I tasted it - faintly sweet. Once home, I started on house work and now, suddenly, it's dark again and I'm tired. Go figure.

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