Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Happy Leap Day!

The storm last night dropped over a foot of snow. Since the guy who plows my driveway doesn't come by 4:00 am and I have a very long driveway, it was just me, the car, and prayer that got me to the main road. It was still snowing hard so it was a slow drive but I'd started early and was doing OK until I was about to turn onto Plantz road and the last mile to the dairy. Not only had the road not been plowed, there were no tracks at all. While there is a back way into the dairy, I figured it this way -  if I got stuck I was close enough now that I could call the dairy owners and they would come out w/ one of the big tractors and give me a lift in. So I literally plowed ahead. Once I parked in the lot next to the barn, I peeled my hands off the steering wheel and flexed my fingers to get some circulation going again.  Still, there is something about facing danger and "winning" that is very exhilerating. It's what winter in the Northwoods is all about.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember one winter where you and I were driving back to the Twin Cities after a visit to the farm. We got a short ways west on Hwy 8 and had to turn around and go back to the farm because the snow was so bad and the roads weren't being plowed yet. I thought it was great - we were going back to Grandpa and Grandma's house.
Now that I'm an adult, it has dawned on me that you probably didn't think it was so great at the time.

PS. I think this was 1985.