Monday, January 16, 2012

Walter (Yorkie / Shih Tzu / Bichon)

I don't know what you do when you pick up your paper shopping bag and the handles rip off.  I put away the groceries that haven't broken and leave the bag on it's side on the floor.  Yes, I'm a horrible housekeeper but a good pet owner.  Orion thinks paper bags are God's gift to cats.  She runs full speed into the bag knocking it a few feet.  She waits inside to snag out a paw at passing feet - mine or Indy's.  She curls up inside the bag and sleeps.  I could spend money on toys for Ori but why bother?  You should see what she does with empty boxes and crumpled paper.
A picture from my friend, Kathy Novey.

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