Monday, January 23, 2012

Taro (Miniature Poodle)

It's Mike's fault.  We were milking and he asked if I wanted to clean today or wait until tomorrow when Jordan was here. "Jordan's here tomorrow?" I said. Mike nodded. Mondays and Thursdays are the days Mike and I scrub down the parlor. I've never found anyone who actually enjoyed cleaning and the idea of having someone help us was like dangling fresh meat in front of a carnivore. "Sure, lets clean tomorrow." I said. It was the herdsman that put a damper on things, "Carol is going to teach Jordan how to do vet check tomorrow". The vet comes on Tuesdays. The herdsman points out the cows for the vet. Someone else follows along taking notes of what the vet does to each cow and what further action needs to be taken. Sounded like Jordan would be doing that right after milking completed. "Vet check doesn't take too long." I countered. "We've got 48 animals for the vet to see tomorrow." replied the herdsman. Yikes! However, the seed had been planted. "Let's still wait until tomorrow to scrub." I said looking at Mike. No complaint from him. So you can see how it was all Mike's fault.
A picture from Ken, Stan and Kathy's friend from Tokyo.


Anonymous said...

How cute!

Anonymous said...

What a darling little puppy.
- Barb

Anonymous said...

Pretty dog. Looks almost like a toy.
Did you get the pictures I sent?
- Michelle

Anonymous said...

Interesting name for the dog. What does it mean? Looks cute and cuddly.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a stuffed animal my daughter would play with.