Monday, January 30, 2012

Smokey (Australian Shepard)

Eric, the dairy owner, helped scrub the parlor w/ Mike and me today.  He and Carol had spent part of last week attending a conference on how to react to problems in the food chain - e coli, mad cow, hoof and mouth, etc.  Eric talked about various speakers and what he had learned.  He described a film shown of news clips from recent disasters with men running around in "zoot suits".  I knew what he meant - people in hazmat overalls.  However, it was hard not to imagine men in suits from the 30's standing in a cow yard.   Shook that out of my mind and listened to him talk about the conversations he had w/ others during the meals.  My mind wandered again.  Wonder what the coordinators of a symposium on food hazards would put on the menu?
Picture by Jo Helton.

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Anonymous said...

