Friday, December 16, 2011

Sunrise through the fog

When I get into the car after work, I check my cell phone for messages. Many people assume that if they call you on your cell phone, you will answer immediately or soon afterwards. However the milking environment isn't conducive to using a cell phone (lots of water and bumping) so I keep the phone in the car while I'm at work. This morning I had a couple of calls on it, all from the same person who became more and more agitated w/ each call because I hadn't yet responded to her previous calls. She was asking if I could fill in as a volunteer at the library this afternoon. (Just a suggestion - but if you are asking for a favor, you really should try to be pleasant.) I returned the call, got her voice mail, and left a message that I would be happy to fill in. (Another suggestion - once you do get the favor, you should acknowledge it and thank the person.) So Indy and I didn't get a walk in today nor did I get the rest of my Christmas cards sent. (Suggestion to self - stop checking your cell phone messages so often.)


Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree. Cell phone use and texting, while on your employers time, are not recommended. So sad that we are in an "immediate response demanded" society. Volunteering is a wonderful thing but it is also a gift. Hope they appreciate you!


Anonymous said...

I work with three people, all in their twenties. None of them could go more than ten minutes without checking their phones for text messages. In conversation with them, it is apparent that their lives are not that complex to warrent such an addiction. I agree, they are stealing from their employers.


Anonymous said...

Cells (and other electronics) are over-used. Kids at work send torrent of text messages every break period. Roch school system presently debating whether kids should or should not be allowed to have/use cell phones in the class room. Huh? The proponents are probably same people who use cells in church, theater, workplace, car. To me the answer is simple: inside the classroom = NO, outside = YES.
- Pete

Anonymous said...

That's why I only work part time. (Leaves more of my day open to check voicemail, email and text msgs.)
