Sunday, December 11, 2011

Hoar Frost on Grasses

Library duty on Saturday. That means I open the library and close the library since we are only open a few hours. I had opened up when a woman presented herself at the desk and said she was there to be trained in. Since I still consider myself a novice and since I had no warning that there would be any trainees today, I was quite surprised. However, who would ask to be trained in if they weren't a volunteer? So I went over everything w/ her and had her checking out anyone who wanted books. She said this would be her only training session since her first time on her own would be next Saturday. Now, it's not like volunteer library duty is earth science but anything that you learn and then don't use for another week is going to be a bit hazy that first time. Think I'll just stop in next Saturday morning to make sure she doesn't have any questions. I still remember the Saturday last year when I walked into the library and the volunteer (obviously frustrated) told me to just take any books I wanted because he couldn't figure out how to bring up the library checkout system. (Haven't seen him at the library since.)

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