Sunday, October 02, 2011

Kathy and Nancy

Drove to the Big City to do some Christmas shopping this weekend.  OK, I know it is early to be thinking of Christmas but my friends and I were all able to get together now.  We spent Saturday at a number of malls and stores and if we didn't exactly finish all of our shopping, we made a very deep dent in it.   That night, at Kathy's home, we watched a college football game on TV.  I'm not into football of any kind but Nancy had a relative playing so we had someone specific to watch and root for.  Kathy's husband, Stan, arrived home around the 4th quarter.  It seems all of that shopping had been a bit wearing on us.  Stan said that he walked in and there we were - all sprawled around the TV, mouths agape, sound asleep.  Fun weekend!

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