Monday, October 24, 2011

Flock of Snow Buntings

When I worked for a large corporation I often sent e-mails to my boss, my boss's boss, and other managers throughout the company.  I learned to relate information and/or request action within the first two sentences.   Explanations/additional background could be included in later paragraphs but many (if not most) people didn't have the time to read that far.  I wish government offices would follow this same procedure.  Have had multiple e-mails for a week between the county and the townships about Special Registration Deputy requirements.  While the e-mails from the county were long and official sounding, they didn't explain what this office was nor what we needed to do.  Finally an e-mail referred to a state statute and I found out it's someone at a school who can register 18 year old's to vote.  Went down to the school to find out who they would like to do that.  It was as I thought.  They too had received the e-mails but had set them aside since they couldn't immediately figure out what was needed. 

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