Friday, September 23, 2011


Volunteered this afternoon at the library.  I brought w/ me two papers, candy, and pop to get me through a dull 4 hours.  After relieving the morning person, I ran the list of books requested by people in other towns.  There were a lot and I spent a long time pulling those books, putting routing slips in them, and packing them in the crates for the courier.  Finally, I had them all except for Beauty and the Beast; Belle's story.  I looked long and hard and finally found it in the non-fiction children's books section.  Got it into the crate just before the courier arrived.  Processed the crates of books he delivered to our library: books requested by our patrons to be put on the hold shelf and books to be returned to our library shelves.  Got everything put away just when a lady returned 51 music CD's.  All of them were from other libraries so checked each in, put in the routing slips, and packed them into a new crate.  A visitor to the area struck up a conversation on the fall festivities planned for this weekend and I was able to suggest some things he might want to check out.  Then the people who had been notified that they had books on the hold shelf started coming in.  Was so busy I didn't get the front doors locked and people were still coming in after closing.  Never did get to the pop, candy, or papers.

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