Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Wild Sarsaparilla flowers

Seeing the doc on Friday so today the clinic scheduled a blood draw.  Since you have to fast for 12 hours before they take blood, the clinic always schedules them for the first thing when they open.  However, I'm at the dairy so I call and change the appointment to noon.  When you are milking there aren't any coffee breaks - you are on the go from the minute you start the vacuum pump.  I'm famished by the time I leave and today, I was running on empty.  Home, showered, and got to the clinic in record time.  Registered at the front desk, walked into the waiting room and, before I could sit down, the nurse called my name.  I walked out of the clinic 10 minutes after I walked in and within another 10 minutes was in the line at a Chinese buffet.  I'm only hoping that, since I was in public, I ate a little slower than Indy does.

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