Thursday, June 09, 2011

Bluebead Lily

I was sitting at the table, drinking cocoa, and watching the news before going to work.   Indy was eating out of her bowl next to me and I started petting her absentmindedly - a usual occurrence.  Indy wasn't having it this morning, turned, and nipped my fingers.  I yelled, "No", picked up her bowl of food and stood.  We had gone through this exercise when I first got her - I would feed her, then reach down and take the bowl away from her while she was eating.  She had taken it well then.  I put out my hand now and she came and gave it a lick.  As I bent down to replace her food bowl, she licked my face - just to make sure we were OK.  My status as Alpha restored, I checked out the damage.  She hadn't really bit me but I'd been surprised and spilled cocoa down my jeans.  Should I change?  Considering what they were about to be sprayed/splashed w/ that seemed kinda ridiculous.  A quick wipe and I was good to go.

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