Monday, May 09, 2011

Trout Lily

Raining as I drove home from work.  Opened the garage door w/ the remote, drove in, and pushed the remote again.  Nothing happened. Between opening and closing the door, the electricity had cut out.  I reported the outage and considered what to do next.  Couldn't take a shower. I changed into sweats, sat back in the recliner, covered up w/ a throw and started a crossword puzzle.  The rain escalated into a thunderstorm.  I dropped the puzzle and watched a real tempest rage outside the windows.  The wind screamed past the house.  It caught an Adirondack chair, sliding it clear off the deck.  A table soon followed.  The wind slammed a metal box I keep by the front door against the house ripping open the lid.  I thought how much the gusts were like waves on the ocean.  Then the thunder, the rain, and the chaos lulled me to sleep.  Woke up when the storm had abated and the power restored.  Nice little catnap.  It should storm more often.

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