Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Sunset colors

Aunt June's was interviewed today by an 8 year old from a local school.  The nursing home asked if I could sit in on the interview since Aunt June can become confused.    I had prepared by writing down June's parents, siblings, children, and grandchildren's names and birth dates on a paper so most of the questions I could help Aunt June answer.  However there were a few that June didn't remember and I didn't know.  OK, I may have taken an educated guess at times figuring that my Mom's experiences were a lot like the one's June had.  After an hour the interview was done.  I told one of the nurses that I was happy that I had controlled myself and not told the poor child that June had been a horse trainer in the circus, or a spy during the cold war.  The nurse smiled, "You got your sense of humor from your mom, didn't you."   Yeah, probably did.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A very nice compliment, indeed. It is a joyful day when someone recognizes Irene in us. We are more than happy to be related to Aunt June, as well. We are a lucky family.
