Thursday, April 28, 2011

Fresh cut tree

A class from the Vocational Technical Institute came through for a tour of the dairy yesterday.  I changed the usual cleaning day from Thursday back to Wednesday so the dairy would look it's best.   Eric, the dairy owner, came in and offered to help scrub so Mike and I enjoyed "bossing the boss" and playfully chiding him as being "unskilled" labor.  On a day when we were in a hurry (the students were due at 10:30 am), I'm glad it was Eric and not Carol helping.  Carol will sometimes help scrub when she is waiting around for someone and, while we are grateful for the aid, she can find places to clean I never thought of.  Last time she helped, I looked up to see her balanced on top of the butt pan reaching over to clean the top of the overhead lights.  That's a feat I'd only try w/ a nice sturdy ladder and a lot of hyperventilating.

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