Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Collecting maple sap

Got worked up about Viking's running back, Adrian Peterson comparing the players as "slaves" in the NFL owner/player conflict.  The guy makes $10 million.  If that isn't enough compensation then he should tell them he quits and get a different job (a real job).  Then got worked up about Nichole Imprescia of Manhatten suing her 4 year old daughter's preschool (where she was enrolled for 3 weeks) for not preparing the child for entry into an Ivy League college.  Thought she should save some of the $19,000/year tuition for psychiatrist's fees.  Then Indy streatched and fell off the couch.  Unlike cats, dogs don't really care if they do something stupid.  She just righted herself, looked at me, and asked if it was time to go for a walk yet.  I guess we all do or say stupid stuff from time to time.  Best to shake it off, learn from our mistakes, and take a walk.

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