Friday, February 18, 2011

Contrail across the Moon

Some of my state's legislators left the state so there wouldn't be a quorum to vote on a budget-tightening bill.  In an interview, they said they did it because there were no other options that would ensure more time for discussion on the issue.  In reality, they did it because they are cowards (whatever happened to "Profiles in Courage").  They did it because they are followers of the party line, not leaders.  They did it because they don't know how to negotiate compromise.   I am furious that they would pull such a trick.   They think they are being cute.  I think they don't deserve their jobs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These people need to be removed. They walked off the job. They are not doing what they are being paid to do.

Some "fine examples" were shown to the children of Wisconsin, this week.