Sunday, December 05, 2010

GNO Christmas

We had our Christmas party at Nancy's this weekend also. Our theme this year was an element each of us picked randomly from the periodic table. Nancy had Beryllium, Kris had Rubidium, Kathy had Terbium, and I had Dysprosium. So w/ those elements in mind, Nancy's gift was bird feeders, Kris's gift was a bird bath, Kathy's gift was a Sci-Fi book & solar system mobile, and I received the book "Wicked Plants" along w/ a votive holder & aloe plant. We all had reasons why our gifts related to our elements. That was part of the fun - coming up w/ obscure, unique, and imaginative connections to the theme. "Wicked Plants" is going on my shelf w/ the rest of my reference books. Will be fun this next year seeing how many I of those plants I can find!

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