Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Shinleaf (Pyrola elliptica)

A new dental hygienist today. The ones I've had before have all had ...unique... ideas which they expound upon while they have their fingers in my mouth. I remember one, that I went to for years, telling me all about her pet's paranormal activities. The lady I met today was quite nice and efficient. At the end of the cleaning I was looking around her office and saw a chunk of blue crystal. I didn't think much of it - figured the crystal was fluorite and it seemed a natural knickknack for a dentist office. She noticed me fingering the rock and I said it was a nice piece of fluorite. "I don't always remember what they are called, just what they are used for." she replied. "Used for?" I queried. "Yes, that one is for mental calmness." She pointed to an orange calcite crystal on the opposite desk, "That's for creativity". She started pulling out rocks from a drawer, placing them on a stand and stating the meaning of each one. She must have had a dozen there, "But", she said, "I have more at home". Oh well, she did do a nice job cleaning my teeth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow...time for me to unbox all those rocks in the basement from past mountain backpacking hikes. See what they can help me with, or speak some wise words like, "Boy, that sure was dumb packing all these heavy rocks out!"

A good hygienist is one who is thorough, doesn't torture patients during gum depth measurements, sprays your teeth not your face, and minimizes direct questions when you're unable to respond.

- Pete