Sunday, September 05, 2010

Goldfinch on Maximillian Sunflower

If my regular vet isn't available (he has limited hours for pets since he's basically a large animal doc), I take Indy to another place that only handles cats & dogs. Received an e-mail from them on Friday wishing Indy a "Happy Birthday" w/ an animated e-card attached. Since Indy was a stray and 2-3 years old when I got her from the pound, I don't know why they think it's her birthday. But then they also insist on referring to me as her "mom" and have made an on-line "pet-portal" so I can put in additional information about her. Well, if it was her birthday, she had a nice one - a long walk and extra people to pet her. She's easy to please.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Should have "misplaced" the remote. They would have noticed that! :-)
