Thursday, August 12, 2010

Turtlehead (Chelone glabra)

I drive over two creeks when I go to work. One is Deer Tail. I was shocked when I went over it this morning to see it was running right up to the bottom deck of the bridge. The other is Devil's Creek. While it's high, it hasn't even gone over it's banks. So I checked to see what might be causing the difference. Deer Tail meanders through a fairly flat landscape of farm fields. Devil's Creek starts in the county forest and runs through lots of swamp land which hold the overflow. Wish we could leave swamps along all of the creeks but developers are beginning to look at creeks as the next place for subdivisions. Hope the homes are built high up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes. I always have a laugh when I see the Stevens place on Sunny Hill Road listed on the "For Sale" sign as "Waterfront" property.