A bit of drama at the dairy this morning. The dairy owner took me aside and said that Jordan, the new guy, and Lisa, the intern, had broken up. Well, I did see that coming. Jordan & Lisa were dating before they started at the dairy. Lisa has Wednesdays & Thursdays off and Jordan has Mondays and Tuesdays off so they probably weren't seeing a lot of each other this summer except at work. In another week, Lisa is off to college and Jordan will return to high school. I went back to work wondering what to expect. We three would be the only ones in the parlor for the next 4 hours. It was a bit quieter than normal but no one made snippy remarks, gave dirty looks, or (heaven forbid) cried so it went well. Could have told them that there are other fish in the sea / birds in the sky / cows in the field but they didn't ask my opinion and I was just as happy not to give it.
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