Destinos comes on TV early Sunday mornings here. It's an educational show to teach Spanish via a "telenovel". Each episode moves the storyline along while teaching vocabulary, word tense, etc. I thought my Spanish was good enough to catch the gist of the plot. I googled it this week and found out the Raquel is not one of Fernando's children (as I thought) but a private investigator. This clears up the problem I had in figuring out why she was flirting w/ Arturo, who I knew was the brother of Angel, the son Fernando never knew he had because he thought his wife had died in the Spanish Civil War. But Raquel's mother wants her to get back w/ old boyfriend, Luis. Meanwhile, Fernando's other son, Carlos, has been embezzling family money to support his wife's gambling habit. There is much more going on in the show than I thought and, obviously, my Spanish is really, really rusty.
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