Tuesday, July 06, 2010


Not an auspicious beginning to the day. Yesterday was hot and muggy and I broke my cardinal rule of never leaving the car outside w/ the windows down. Yes, it rained during the night and the inside was soaked this morning. Then I was stopped by a cop at the outskirts of town for going 46 in a 35 m/p/h zone. Not a problem til we got to this part of the conversation: "Were you going to work?" "Yes." "What do you do?" "I milk cows at a farm south of town." "Is this car registered in your name or your husband's?" I've never been asked that before. What is he thinking - milkers don't earn enough to own cars? -Women don't own cars? -Does he ask men if the car is registered in their wife's name? However, I have another cardinal rule that I never pick a fight w/ my doctor, my dentist, or any secretary/admin. Decided on the spot to add policeman to the list and I kept my mouth shut. Got off w/ just a warning. The day is beginning to look better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll bet your lips were blue from biting them! It would have been hard not to ask the nice policeman where he parked his brain.