Saturday, May 22, 2010

Crane fly

My back tire was flat this morning. To make matters worse, part of my jack was missing. I'm afraid I woke up Russell and Donna when I called to see if they had one. (Note to self: Not everyone has been awake for hours at 6 a.m.) Anyway, Russell was nice enough not only to bring a jack but to change the tire. Since the tires aren't that old, I checked and found there was a nail sticking in the flat. I remembered seeing junk along side the road yesterday. Russell said there was garbage like that strewn from up past my house, all the way into town. Someone had not secured their trailer load and pieces had flown off all along their route. Great - no doubt my tire picked up a roofing nail because of their irresponsibility. Not much I can do - might spend a couple of minutes thinking nasty thoughts just for the fun of it though.

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