Saturday, March 20, 2010

White Pine new growth

In the news was a lady in Boulder, CO who gardens topless. Technically, in that area, there is no law about being in your own yard w/ no clothes on. Reminded me instantly of a neighbor here that did her gardening in the same state of undress. She did wear a large floppy straw hat that came in handy if visitors stopped in. One of farm fields was just across the road from her place and Mom used to tease Dad that he spent a lot of time plowing there and even then the rows weren't all that straight! I'm not sure what the attraction is for gardening in the buff - would think that between bugs and sunburns, it wouldn't be that much fun. But I haven't been very diligent in tending my garden these last few years. Maybe it's worth a try.


Mikey C, Mikey do. said...

Gardening topless works for me, but it's not a pretty sight.

SRM said...

Mikey, I remember the story of you and Steve crawling through the underbrush in your skivvies chasing a bear that had stolen a loaf of bread. I bet you would garden topless!