Monday, October 14, 2024

Autumn Color

I walked out of the grocery store this morning and started looking for my car.  That's when I realized that not a one of the cars in the parking lot had a bumper sticker.  There was a time when everyone plastered witticisms ranging from their religion to their politics on the bumper of their car.  Now I can't remember the last time I've seen a bumper sticker.   I don't know if this is true of all parts of the country but it certainly is here.  On the way home, I wondered what had changed.  Well, those stickers about guns (for example: 'Keep Honking, I'm Reloading') are a bit too real-to-life these days.   Takes a bit of elbow grease to remove the 'Biden-Harris' and 'Trump-Pence' stickers plus w/ the political temp being so high you could return to find your car keyed.  A rude bumper sticker (example: 'Am I making you drive the speed limit?  Poor Baby.'  -  That is the cleanest rude sticker I know) will bring the resale price of a car down and, with the price of cars after the pandemic, who wants to smack an ugly sticker on them anyway?   Bumpers are the same color as the car and molded to blend w/ the body.  A sticker won't show up as easily as it would on those silver bolted on bumpers of the past.   Some stickers seem to have migrated from the bumper to the car's back window where it's easier to read 'Baby on Board'.   Maybe w/ the rise of social media, people just have other options for announcing fealty to a sports team or cussing out a segment of humanity they don't like.    I thought back to my last bumper sticker - 'Forbidden Lines are Excited'.    How geeky is that?

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Autumn Color

 A rainy weekend but the woods are hitting peak color.  Once in awhile there is a break in the clouds and the sun lit up the countryside.  Mostly it was cold and windy.  I spent most of the day indoors.  Had just finished the book "Butter" by Asako Yuzuki.  I'd read the book's blurb and thought it was a murder mystery set in Japan.  It's a long book and I read all of it but  no mysteries.  It turned out to be more of a drama w/ a lot of angst, inner turmoil, and awakening self-awareness.   There are some murders but they occurred before the beginning of the story.  After finishing that, I wanted something w/ a lot of action.  Picked up "One Perfect Couple" by Ruth Ware.  I spent the afternoon reading: a bunch of disparate characters on a secluded island cut off because of a storm.  Three deaths so far - but there are still people missing.  I made a spreadsheet to keep track of everyone.  This is more like it.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Clouded Sulphur butterfly

I attended last night's Town Board Meeting because an ordinance from the Planning Committee was being presented (not to pick up gossip which is just an added plus).  Planning Committee chairman Roger would be able to answer any questions about the ordinance but I was curious what the rest of the Town Board would say.   They loved it.   After a half hour the meeting was on the last agenda item - 'Roads'.    Another excruciating 45 minutes of gravel, asphalt, 5-year plans, replacing bridges, culverts and the meeting ended.  I did listen to the discussion though.  Before breakfast this morning Whip and I went for a drive.   First to Weinert road.  The board had talked about someone who had put in their driveway incorrectly and when it rains the town road floods.   When that happens other families that live further down that dead-end road can't get out until the road is fixed.  The landowner had been warned and he did put a rise in his driveway but that had made the flooding worse.  The Board planned to have the County Road Commissioner come out w/ them to see if he had other ideas about how to fix it.   Then they would write the land owner stating he had to put in larger culverts or the town would do it and add the bill to his property taxes.  I wanted to see what they were talking about.  First I noticed where the gravel on the town road had been washed out & replaced.  Could see the rise the landowner had put in the driveway.  Even I could understand how that caused the water to run out onto the roadway.  Next Whip and I drove over to Edgewood Road.  A new house was being built out in the woods.   The Town Board was sending the landowner a letter that he had to move the 1000 lb rocks he had lined his driveway with - from the shoulder of the road to the fenceline.   Odd, I thought, that anyone would put boulders along the edge of a  driveway - though it is the right of anyone to scratch up their own car I guess.   A Town Road easement extends 33 feet from the center of the road.  Within that easement these boulders would catch the blade of the town's grader, snowplow, and brusher.  Once again, even I knew placing boulders this close to the road was a stupid idea.   Feeling pretty intelligent all of the sudden,  I and the dog drove to McD's for breakfast.   I ordered a latte and got a sausage biscuit for Whip.  (Even I know enough not to eat one of  those.)

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Autumn Trees and ... Lilacs(?)

Excerpts from Sheriff's Report: 

12:18 a.m. - Caller states he came home and there is a vehicle parked in his driveway.  He doesn't know who it belongs to.  Caller wants vehicle off his property.  Was advised the female living on the property is allowed to have people over if she wants.  If he wants her off the property, he will have to evict her.

12:21 a.m. - Caller reports her husband is in garage throwing things out.  She has been drinking, he has not.  States he pushed her, nothing physical but they did have an argument.  Second call from female stating she wants to be arrested because she's been drinking.  Officer met with both parties.  Female appeared extremely intoxicated.  Male states he came home from work, they had an argument, he went to another part of the house.  Officer refused to take female to jail.  No action taken as no crimes were committed.

7:13 a.m. - Traffic stop for speed.  Driver believes his speedometer is off because he increased the size of his tires.

9:12 a.m. - Call from School reporting there is a male in a silver Dodge SUV that has been driving around the school.  Bus driver spoke with him and he stated he was waiting for a roofing crew.  He was advised there is no such job happening at the school.  He was wearing a fluorescent vest.  The vehicle parked by the grain bins west of the school.  Subject has one warrant from Nebraska but is non-extraditable.

10:34 a.m. - Driver stopped for speeding.  Produced a Chinese driver's license.  Was informed he needed o get a valid driver's license from the U.S.

10:35 a.m. - Complaint forwarded from Forestry Department to Sheriff's office.  Requesting a phone call about a farm field bordering her property where the corn hasn't been harvested in two years.   Caller believes this is causing her husband's asthma to flare up and the rodent population to increase.  She states she left messages for farmer who leases the land and has spoken to land owner.  Officer informed her he can't force them to harvest or plow corn under.  She will call farmer.

10:58 p.m. - Officers at Sheriff's Office heard loud vehicles and observed demo derby vehicles on roadway.  Vehicles are not authorized to operate on any roadway open to public transportation.  Officer followed vehicles to fairgrounds.  Drivers informed they cannot operate vehicles on roadway.  One driver argued it is a tradition to drive to the event.

12:48 p.m. - Call from owner of Bar & Restaurant stating he believes he has pellet holes in his siding.  Officer observed 8-10 pellet holes in siding of building that were not there two days prior.  Coming from direction where duck hunters were shooting that morning.

3:50 p.m. - Deputy reports a slow-moving vehicle with a male walking in front of the vehicle and kicking it.  Individual who works for a group home is transporting 2 persons to the home.  The two got into an argument, both have learning disabilities.  They were transported in separate vehicles to the home.

6:45 p.m. - Caller states her mother left at 4:30 a.m. to go to a doctor's appointment in another town and didn't arrive.  Her phone appears to be shut off.  Mother has a history of back surgeries and seizures.  The mother called.  She advised she was arrested early this morning for an OWI, was just released from custody, and is safe.

7:08 p.m. - Caller reports female cut off the tip of her finger while chopping wood.

7:10 p.m. - Individual came to Sheriff's Office to turn in suspected drugs he found.  His dad bought a used golf glove and a small baggie with a crystal-like material was in one of the fingers, unknown who it was bought from.  Field test positive for meth.  Baggie destroyed.

Wednesday, October 09, 2024

First Frost

Leif Erickson Day and First Frost were on the same day this year.  I choose to celebrate Leif Erickson Day in lieu of Columbus Day and w/ all of the people of Scandinavian ancestry in the Northwoods, I don't know why the state doesn't just chuck Columbus in favor of Leif Erickson for a holiday.   After all the Vikings were the first Europeans in the New World and (big plus) they didn't enslave/kill the native peoples.  (They did that elsewhere.)

I called the clinic yesterday to get on the waiting list for flu and Covid shots.  Surprisingly they not only a supply of both vaccines already but an opening this morning.  I've been pretty active all day - haven't noticed any ill effects.  Still, think I'll hit the hay earlier than normal tonight.  Last year when I had both shots at the same time I experienced chills late in the evening.  That was easily remedied by turning up the electric blanket.   If it happens again tonight, the electric blanket is already on the bed.

Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Fata Morgana


A Fata Morgana is an optical mirage occurring in a narrow band at the horizon.  Distant objects will appear as multiple inverted and upright images stacked on each other (the trees on the right) and can also show alternating compressed and stretched out areas (like the hill on the left).   The bottom picture is how these hills usually appear.   This is one of the reasons I love living in the Northwoods.  You can observe phenomena like the Fata Morgana, Chinese Lantern Sun, and Sun Pillars.  Living out in the country I can look for the Green Flash (no, not a superhero), Zodiacal Light, and Anti-Crepuscular Rays.  Things are always looking up here.

Monday, October 07, 2024

The Snug

I talked a lot about the room divider but not exactly what it is dividing.  The house has a kitchen/dining room/living room all combined in one big space.  Even the study only has a partial wall separating it from that bigger area.  The divider separates a small area in the far corner that I call 'the snug'.  The futon is there currently.   The divider will give anyone who sleeps there a modicum of privacy.  The cats and dog have discovered the snug already so I placed a pet rug on the futon which they use to curl up on.  This winter I'll change it around a little: shove over the ottoman, move in a card table, and add a lamp.  It will be my place to work on jigsaw puzzles.  Rather looking forward to that.

Sunday, October 06, 2024

Library Display - 4H

 The 4-H club wanted to put a display in the library - but only for the month of October.   Think the little kids will enjoy the cross stitch of the chickens.   We were happy for the display - kinda wondered why for only a month.   Turns out while the items had already been judged locally, the winners go for more judging next month.  Not a problem though - the Historical Society said they will put in a display next month and asked if we could keep it through the winter (their museum isn't heated).  

Neither was my house until this morning.  The inside temp fell to 60 and outside it was overcast so no passive solar heating.  I am getting old - had to think back and remember how to turn the heat back on.

Friday, October 04, 2024

Harvesting Soybeans

Standing on the edge of the deck this morning I noticed sparkling little ice crystals on the deck's corner.   I knew the roofs of the buildings had been frosted but hadn't seen any frost on the fields.  Last night the weatherman finally announced frost warnings on the 10 p.m. news.  Fortunately I'd already taken precautions:

  • The flowers were snug inside Sleipnir.  Can bring them back out again if we have a stretch of warm weather. 
  • Put the rain gauge away.  It has no standing water currently but don't want to forget to put it away.
  • Dragged the garden hose into Mjolnir.  It was too tight to unscrew by hand but found some adjustable wrenches in Mjolnir that did the trick.
  • Dumped the bucket of water I have for the dog in her run. I'll clean it out and roll the hose up in it for winter.
  • Eked out as much water from the rain barrel as I could to water the flowers.  Then dragged the barrel to Sleipnir.  I'll gradually refill it and use that to water the plants during their 'confinement'.

Over breakfast I mulled over my rules for 'First Frost'.  The frost didn't form on the ground or grass because their surfaces were still above freezing.   First Frost, I think, will be defined as the earliest point in the cold season when the grass is frosted.  Under those rules, we haven't yet experienced First Frost.  Looks like there will be more opportunities for it to next week though.

Thursday, October 03, 2024

Room Divider

Further in the saga of garbage pickup.  Waste Management never called me back as they faithfully promised they would nor did they pick up my garbage yesterday.  Thought about it.  Winter is coming up and, while I can easily collect my garbage and take it to the dump myself periodically, I rather liked having it picked up weekly.  I could switch to another company but there were issues w/ that too.  Hadn't quite decided on what to do.  Hung out the clothes on the line early - suppose to cloud up by afternoon and I had lots of other stuff to do today.  Whip came out to keep watch (one of her many duties).  I noticed she was sitting at alert in the middle of the courtyard intent on something down the driveway.  I looked and a small truck was backed into my driveway.  A man in a reflective green vest hoisted my garbage can onto the back of the truck, and put a new garbage can in it's place.  When he noticed me he started walking down the drive so I and Whip met him half way.  His name was Rick and he said he had dumped my garbage, given me a new container, and started to explain why they were picking up on the opposite side of the road.  I cut him off (as nicely as I could) and said this might have gone smoother if they would have communicated with me on what was going on.  He said he understood (an excellent answer by the way) and he hoped we could work it out.  (Also a good tactic to use the 'we' as if it was a shared problem.  The guy must have listened during Problem Resolution training.)   I said I would leave the garbage can on my neighbor's side of the road.  If it got knocked over and crunched by big machinery, I'd let him know and they would replace it.  He said of course.  I said in the winter though I would not put it in the shoulder of the road if my neighbor's field access wasn't plowed.  I would just have to tell them to skip pick up.  I'm not good at  making concessions.  For the moment though it solves this problem and I did appreciate him being brave enough to talk directly w/ me.  ...  Of course, I might have it all wrong.  Waste Management has asked to come to a Planning Committee meeting to make a pitch to be the exclusive garbage pickup company for the whole town.  Maybe he found out I'm on that committee.

Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Getting ready to overwinter plants


The outside plants have been moved off the deck and are staged between Mjolnir and Sleipnir.   They can get plenty of sun but be close to quickly move into Sleipnir if there are frost warnings.  Time to get Sleipnir ready.  

(1) I moved out Jormungandr.  It will spend the rest of the season in Mjolnir.  Not having it in Sleipnir over the winter gives me a little bit more wiggle room around the plant tiers and should I want to use the UTV  in the cold, I don't have to open Sleipnir's garage door and lose the warm air protecting the plants from the cold.  

(2) Moved out the collapsed tier structure that was stored flat against the wall all summer.  It's made from pine so not heavy. 

(3) Removed the screens on the three double windows on the south side of the building.   Screens shade a bit of the sunshine coming through and I can use all of the light and heat I can get in in the winter. Stored screens in the Sleipnir's maintenance room.  Good time to wash those windows too - inside & out.

(4) Swept where the tiers will be set up.  Just a bit of detritus that blew in during the summer.

(5) Picked up the end tables from their usual place next to the deck chairs.  They are made from a durable plastic so, while they can (and some do) stay outside all winter long, they are perfect to serve as a first tier of plants.  I put them end-to-end along the wall but about an inch away  When I set plants on them, the top of the pots will come right to the windowsill so the plants will be bathed in sunlight.  Unfortunately, the yellow-rumped warblers love all of my outside furniture - to land on/ take off from/wait until the next insect comes by.  All 7 end tables needed a good wash.

(6)  Assembled the two sets of tiers.  Pretty easy.  Each has a support structure which swings forward on hinges.  I position each tier system so it's touching the end tables in front of them.  Each tier system has two shelves which lock everything in place.  Each shelf is set at a height so the pots on it are behind the plants in front of them.  When you look in through the windows, it looks like a wall of greenery.  The brothers did an excellent job crafting them.

(7) The outside end tables can handle standing water but the tier shelves are wood.  Got out old plastic tarps and draped them over the shelves.  I try to do a couple of layers of plastic so water hopefully won't find holes to seep through.  A little painters tape keeps everything in place until I bring in the plants.

Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Northern Flicker

I thought of Renfield this morning.  Renfield was the fanatically devoted servant of Dracula.  He had the deranged idea that in eating bugs he could acquire their life force.  No, I'm not going all Gothic.  I was pulling sticky strips of flies off Mjolnir's door.   The thought came to me that Renfield would absolutely love staying here.  Am up to 2000 flies in a little more than a month.  

While I was doing that, Whip was roaming around.  I called for her and when she finally came, it was out of the tall grass near the road.  Yikes!  She was holding something and left it to the side in the field before coming closer.  I put her on a lead and checked what she had found.  It was the carcass of a long dead coon.  Probably she found it in the ditch or close to the road.  Guess she'll have to wear the shock collar again for awhile until she remembers the road is off-limits.  

Then Waste Management gave me a call.   I'd been assured via 3 e-mails that the driver of the garbage pickup truck would be told to leave my container on my side of the road where it was picked up.  This call was from the local WM rep who said they didn't care what I'd been e-mailed.  My bin should be left on the shoulder of the road on my neighbor's side.  I said I was pretty sure there were laws against leaving things on the shoulder of a road.  She said lots of people do it.  This particular skirmish is still on-going but it doesn't look good.

Yes, Scary October has begun.

Monday, September 30, 2024

Lilacs and Monarch

Fall is progressing.  We haven't had a frost yet.  It used to be first frost was in September but it's been getting later into October before it comes.  (Although last year's was back to mid-September).  The annual Leaf Peeping celebration was moved out a week.  Good thing it wasn't last weekend.  This morning's constitutional I'm finally beginning to see color in the hills.  The hummers left on a Thursday about three weeks ago - time to clean and put away those feeders.  Instead currently have flickers and yellow-rumped warblers congregating around my place.  Always fun to see them stop off here for awhile on their way north and again on their way south.   Strangely the lilacs by the house are putting on even more blooms.  I thought of going out to get another bouquet to replace the one I had in the house but the monarch butterflies migrating through are attracted to them.  Guess I'd rather watch the butterflies than have the house smell like spring again.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Sunrise through Jack Pine

Excerpts from the Sheriff's Report:

2:34 a.m. - Call from medical center about intoxicated person that left ER after he was told he wouldn't be able to take another intoxicated patient home.  Officer contacted driver who has suspended driver's license.  Both arrested.

9:45 a.m. - Caller states they purchased a vehicle from Kansas City that was stolen from the assembly plant in Detroit.  Caller trying to track down the title.  Is on hold at Detroit PD as stolen vehicle and has not been recovered.  Needs assistance from here to verify that he has the vehicle so they can release the title so it can be registered.  VIN matches stolen vehicle but color doesn't.  Detroit will not release the title as the vehicle was never recovered and is still listed as being stolen from a rental car lot in 2022.

1:29 p.m. - Call from a male who seemed impaired, asking for welfare check on his mother and stepfather as they are not answering their phones.  Officer contact with step-dad who advised they are fine and don't want to talk to son because he is drunk.  Caller happy they are OK.

3:06 p.m. - Caller requests officer response for a damaged shower curtain.  Believes someone came into apartment while she was gone and damaged it.

3:38 p.m. - A grey backpack full of items was dropped off at dispatch last night.  Person who dropped it off said they found it at a campground on river.  This is a geocache, not personal property that was misplaced.  Owner to pick up tomorrow.

4:26 p.m. - Caller states she is upset her electric bill is higher than it should be.  Believes someone is stealing her water which makes the water pump run and use excess electricity.  She placed a lock on the pump but believes they are unlocking it and stealing the water.

5:17 p.m. - Officer contact with male who said his mother took his tools and put them in his grandmother's storage unit and won't give them back.  Mother states the tools are hers.  She has receipts as she used to own a construction business.

7:46 p.m. - Caller states he saw a vehicle hit a stop sign.  Deputy contacted driver.  He admitted hitting the sign stating he was unsure what to do.  Driver recently left Amish community and is in process of getting his license.

7:49 p.m.. - Caller received a video notification of someone on their property, a male with a green Chevy.  Officer has person in custody, found that license plates don't match vehicle.

8:02 p.m. - Several calls received about a car vs. deer accident.  Female is out of vehicle but laying on the ground.  Report that husband on scene is yelling at female.  No patient transport.  Vehicle towed.

9:37 p.m. - Caller reports her adult daughter took her dog's ashes over three years ago and won't return them.  Officer left voice mail at number she provided.

10:48 p.m. - Caller asks that a deputy check on his friend who went mushroom hunting.  He last heard from her three hours ago when she reached her bike.  She had said she got hurt but did not explain.  Caller later said he heard from his friend.

10:51 p.m. - Caller states Auto Business employee is sending harassing text messages.  Officer spoke with both parties.  Caller will remove his vehicle from the Auto Business parking lot as soon as he finds a way.  Vehicle is not currently drivable.

11:30 p.m. - Caller states he can hear someone yelling "Ow, help" to the west of his address.  Officer located persons in driveway of property.  Female advised she is yelling because her stomach hurt because she had to go to the bathroom.  Persons advised to keep it down.