Finally started my taxes. It's on my things-to-do-by-month spreadsheet as a February activity but I couldn't seem to get motivated. Strangely, it was a call from the Town Chairman that finally provided the impetus. Chairman Steve asked me to work on a special project for the town that needs to be finished by mid April. I figured he'd probably called around to a few people already and no one was interested in working on it. ... so I agreed. I thought about it for awhile. Realized I didn't have a clue on what to do. Figured I'd better get anything that needed getting done early before I had to figure it out. That includes taxes. Downloaded the tax forms. Checked the internet to find out if I should take a tax credit for the down payment on the solar panels I made last year (answer is 'No, take the entire cost off in the year the system goes live'). Got the forms together and have made a first sweep through all of the items. I saw from my notes that I did the same thing last year - planned on doing them in February, did them in March, and sent them in April. Will see if I can better that by sending them out before the end of the month this time.
Susan Mayer's Haven
Pictures from my back yard.
Sunday, March 23, 2025
Friday, March 21, 2025
Spring arrives
Thursday, March 20, 2025
Colorful Sunset
Brother Phil suggested that the U.S. Postal Service should be privatized and I remember saying I didn't think that would be a good idea. I'm probably wrong on that point. Remember the Christmas card I sent to a cousin in Missouri? I sent it out December 6th and it didn't arrive until mid-January. I sent out a card to Texas Monday of last week. I asked for tracking on it but didn't think much else about it until this morning when I was ready to send a card to Indiana. I checked the tracking number of the Texas card - nope, it was still sitting in Fair City where it had directly gone after leaving my local post office. I handed the card I was sending today to the Post Mistress and again asked for tracking. I explained the delay w/ the other cards. She related that the main postal center in Fair City had, late last year, removed some of it's sorting machines to economize and that caused a backup of semi's w/ packages waiting to be sorted. If I understand what she said correctly, the postal service raised the price of stamps to buy more efficient sorting machines in order for the mail to move faster but those machines are now off-line in order to save money, She said if the cards don't arrive I can petition the postal service for the cost of the cards. My mail not arriving on time is of a concern to me but a more pressing issue is absentee election ballots. State law is that absentee ballots have to reach the municipal clerk by the day of the election - having a postmark from before the election doesn't count. Should a ballot get stuck in the postal system those people will lose their vote. The Post Mistress assured me that the envelopes containing ballots can be stamped at this post office, put in the P.O. Box for the local municipal clerks, and don't need to be sent to Fair City for sorting. That works for local people voting absentee but for those people out-of-state, their ballots still rely on the whims of the U.S. Postal Service. I am not happy. Reminds me that I'm also not happy because I also have to apologize to Phil since I insisted my state was part of the Louisiana Purchase (it wasn't).
Wednesday, March 19, 2025
Robins are back
Tuesday, March 18, 2025
First Red-Winged Blackbird
Excerpts from the Sheriff's Report:
1:05 a.m. - Deputy observed vehicle crossing center line. Deputy initiated traffic stop. Driver arrested for bail jumping, possessing THC, possessing counterfeit phencyclidine/methamphetamines, operating with restricted controlled substance in blood (5th offence), resisting an officer, disorderly conduct intimidation, possession of drug paraphernalia.
2:03 a.m. - Life 360 reported a crash detection. Call to individual advised everything is OK. Deputy located vehicle 25 yards off the road. It struck a tree, no occupants, good amount of blood on the air bag. Deputy followed blood trail and foot prints to where driver was picked up. Driver had a decent cut on nose - believes it might be broken. Denied EMS multiple times. Driver admitted to taking the corner too fast and losing control. She states she lied to dispatch because she didn't want to wake everyone in the house. She plans to remove vehicle.
9:35 a.m. - Caller to 911 asking very strange questions and provided strange information such as "having children and wants to know if they're on file." Questions attempted by dispatch received odd responses. Caller was told to call back on the non-emergency line. Has not called back.
10:16 a.m. - Traffic stop on a vehicle driving left of center. Elderly driver stated he was taking advantage of the sand down the middle of the road. Deputy states road was somewhat icy but not a danger at the speed he was driving. Deputy had to pull off the road when they went by. Passenger yelled at deputy saying "Come on now I have a doctor's appointment!" Verbal warning for operating left of center.
10:44 a.m. - Caller states neighbor on opposite side of road is pushing snow from his driveway across the road and into ditch on their property. Deputy informed caller that there is no state statue that prohibits this unless snow is left on roadway.
10:57 a.m. - Caller states the residence is owned by her but a male has been residing there and she lives elsewhere. She was evicted from where she was staying and wants to live at the residence she owns. She wants male living there to leave. There is a no contact order between them. Caller advised that law enforcement can't kick him out and she will have to go through the eviction process to have him removed. Caller given info for emergency places to stay.
1:54 p.m. - Complainant states they sold a vehicle and the new owner didn't re-register it. Now complainant is being fined for tolls on that vehicle. The buyer, a known individual to the seller, has sent some money to pay for the tolls but not all. Buyer has since blocked complainant. Complainant was advised to contact the toll agency to explain situation and to cancel the plates through the DMV.
4:06 p.m. - Caller reports something is stopping traffic at intersection. A car being towed by a driver who admitted taking back roads due to having a revoked driver license and no insurance. In transit the brakes failed. They jack-knifed and the vehicle on the car dolly came off. With help from Good Samaritan the vehicle was loaded back on dolly. Driver failed field sobriety test and was taken into custody.
4:28 p.m. - Caller states someone hit his mailbox and left a dead animal inside the mailbox. Deputy inspected - mailbox post is bent/broken but mailbox is still attached. The dead animal is a taxidermied fisher or something similar. Photos taken. Caller was informed that it would be difficult to figure out who did it without a witness or camera footage. Caller states he will be installing a camera. Caller wants this incident recorded for information.
9:54 p.m. - Caller reports all street lights from the park to the Church of Christ are out. Officer advised street lights are all operational except for the light by the caller's address.
Monday, March 17, 2025
Setting Full Moon
The pastor's sermon was on 'Call and Response'. Brought a smile to my face since I'm not that receptive to repeating rote sentences at specified times - especially in church. The crux of his message though was about calling to Christ and his responding. The pastor's sermon was maybe 10 minutes. Enough time to only hit the highlights of his subject but then not so much to belabor the point. I had marked the readings ahead of time but I read beyond the verses indicated. Came across a passage urging when feasting to invite the poor and helpless since it is more Christian to do something you know won't be reciprocated. A friend was just telling me her congressman ends all of his missives w/ references to his Christianity. Even Vice President Vance invoked 'ordo amoris' in defense of more strict immigration laws. As w/ disagreements down through time, everyone claims God is on their side (but rarely concerned if they are on the side of God.) The Ancient Greeks did it too except, since they had multiple gods & goddesses, there were plenty to go around and each side just picked one. Suddenly it was the ending prayer and we all stood to leave the church. I wonder if preachers know that each person in the congregation hears a different sermon?
Sunday, March 16, 2025
Saturday, March 15, 2025
Friday, March 14, 2025
Lunar Eclipse
Thursday, March 13, 2025
Full Moon in a Vernal Pond
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Ice Bubbles in a Vernal Pond
Had a lid I that needed cleaning but didn't know how to. Yoda Brent's words wafted back to me, "YouTube for that there is." Sure enough there was - just a shot of someone's hands while a disembodied voice explained each step. Worked perfectly once I knew what tools to use and what sequence to use them.
I was hanging rugs out on the line to dry this morning when I heard Sandhill Cranes calling. Later in the morning I'd swear I heard Canadian Geese. The silence of winter is giving way to noisy spring.
Still not watching the TV news. I tried to again but there were threats flying back and forth, countries arming themselves, the stock market falling. Went back to getting my news from TMZ where it's all foolish gossip but they freely admit it and laugh about it.
Leveled up again in Words w/ Friends. I'm in the Epic Book section and this time the book is the Mahabharata. I'd tried to read it once before while I was at Honeywell but after a couple of weeks realized it needed more concentration that I could give it and still work. This time the library copy I chose is heavily illustrated so - similar to a graphic novel - if I don't finish reading it all at least I can look at the pictures.
Saturday, March 08, 2025
Red Bellied Woodpecker in the Lilacs
Neighbor Anita called to ask if I wanted to go to Maple Hill for some shopping. Maple Hill isn't a mall. It's a farm located between the village and the County Seat. They built a small out-building where they sell produce, things made by local artisans, and other stuff like that. They are having their annual spring open house next weekend so we figured this would be a good time to go before the rush. There were a few other people shopping when we got there but they finished quickly and went off to the barn to see the new lambs before leaving. I picked up an evergreen scented candle (they always have some), rice, cheesecloth, and a dish towel w/ cows on it. (I suggested he give me a discount since it included 2 Jerseys but omitted a Guernsey.) He had eggs at a good price too so Anita picked up three dozen. We then bopped (hopped?) over to the Toad House to see how it was doing under new management. Turns out they are now open more days, longer hours, and the food is still excellent. A nice outing for a late winter day.
Thursday, March 06, 2025
Gold and Purple Finches
Wednesday, March 05, 2025
Living Room Windows this morning
The snowplow guy arrived at 3 p.m. One of the few times I wish he had waited longer to plow me out. While it had stopped snowing by that time the wind was still blowing at 20 m/p/h gusting to 40. I could see snow curtains being blown across the fields and that made me concerned that the driveway might drift shut again. We'd received 8" of snow so there was plenty to blow around. Fortunately, when Whip and I took our nightly constitutional, the wind had calmed somewhat and the driveway was still open. From the plow guy's tire tracks, he'd had issues getting traction in multiple places. The roadbed was pretty sloppy. Road Weight Bans had started on Monday (i.e. the frost was going out so the ground was spongy) and it had rained most of Tuesday before it became cold enough for snow. Looks like the next few days will be above freezing during the day and drop below freezing at night. That means two things: (1) since the frost is going out of the ground, this snow melt will be absorbed instead of sloughing off into ponds and streams; and (2) it's maple syrup gathering time.