Monday, March 19, 2018

Dunder in the morning sun

Vernal Equinox tomorrow so I'm looking around the house thinking the last of the Christmas decorations have to be finally packed away.  I repotted some of the plants I'm overwintering for my aunt - want to give the little things some recovery time before my aunt & uncle return from their southern wintering grounds.  I hacked back the plant in the guest bedroom that has become too rangy for the corner I have it in.  Checked the geraniums that are packed tightly in the tent in my living room.  The tent was an unconventional  solution to the issue of keeping plants and kittens apart but worked wonderfully well.  Now with the additional sunlight the plants are putting on new foliage and two are budding.  Think I'll wash the car to remove the winter salt today.  Then, even if the ground is still frozen and there is a foot and a half of snow pack on top of it, I'm ready for Spring.

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