Monday, January 15, 2018

The Mayer boys in summer and winter

Pictures were probably taken in the late 1920's.  The boys from left to right are Herbert, Neil, and Walter.  The top picture was probably taken in the apple orchard on the Emil and Pearl Mayer farm.  Not sure where the bottom picture was taken but assume it was also on the farm.  (Love the birdhouses mounted at the top of sticks.)

I finally locked the kittens in my bathroom this morning so I could finish the project I was working on.  A new gadget is being worked on that will translate your pet's bark/meow into English.  I've been thinking this is a bad idea.   All of those cutesy phrases we owners think our pets are communicating might turn out to be troll-like nasty comments.  What would you think if your little Papillon puppy turned out to be as foul-mouthed as an elected official?  Plus I don't want to know what Dunder was really thinking as he sauntered past me when I finally let the kittens out of the bathroom.

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