Sunday, August 07, 2016

Black-eyed Susan

Realized last night that my birthday was today and not Monday. Figured I'd better celebrate. Indy wanted a ride anyway so we took off to the store and I picked up a filet, potatoes, corn curls, and pop. That should do it. A Sherlock Holmes movie w/ Basil Rathbone (what a great name) came on before noon. I snuggled up on the sofa and watched it while munching on the corn curls. In the afternoon I made a meal of filet mignon, mashed potatoes, peas, and a salad. Dessert was a piece of chocolate banana bread that Sheila had baked. The rest of the day was filled w/ three walks w/ Indy, sitting on the deck doing a crossword and swigging pop, and listening to Old-Time Radio tonight (Life of Luigi). Not bad for a birthday.


Rick said...

Happy belated birthday!
Sounds like a pretty good day.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! That sounds like a delicious dinner! Carolyn