Monday, December 21, 2015

Birch polypore

Woke up at 3:40 a.m. when my phone alarm went off. Yep, I'd forgotten to turn off the Mon-Fri alarm from when I worked at the dairy last Friday. Fortunately, the alarm interrupted a disturbing dream and I was able to turn over in my nice warm bed and go back to sleep. Got up at 5 and saw that there was a Mr. Moto movie on TV. He and Charlie Chan are fav's so I made breakfast while I watched it. Then I called tech support to see if they could fix all of my deleted (supposedly) e-mails since 2012 that were coming back into my in-box. They could! I swear the best part of the day is always the early morning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We love the old Charlie Chan shows. Have not been able to find them in the last 15 years on our stations.
