Friday, December 08, 2017

Cornfield in winter

I checked in w/ my neighbor Blake.  Never know w/ all of the extra deer seasons the DNR allows or w/ trapping season starting whether he was OK w/ Indy and I tramping through his swamps.  He said we could walk there again and if anything changed he'd let me know.  Within the hour we were in the swamps.  It isn't  that picturesque right now but it felt nice to go for a long walk through the trees.  When we got back, Indy settled in for a little snooze and I started working on Christmas cards.  It isn't true that when you retire you have time to do everything.  What happens is you do the stuff you want to do and everything else is left to be done 'tomorrow'.  Was afraid Christmas would actually be tomorrow and I still wouldn't have sent any cards out.  Made a goal to send a quarter of them out each day.   Got today's quarter accomplished and rewarded myself by bopping over to my neighbors Doug and Anita to grab a cup of coffee and catch up on gossip.

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