Saturday, November 11, 2017


I have a bunch of on-line teasers that I have book-marked under a "Games" heading on my computer.  Most are This-Week-In-The-News type quizzes.  I did the BBC one today.  It's only seven questions but I did incredibly bad on it - only one correct.  I do listen to the BBC news at night but it didn't seem to help me w/ the this week's test. (Did you know what Roger Federer wore at a charity tennis match this week?  It was a kilt.)   So I went to the MeTV quiz featured this week - 'Cartoon Villians from the 70's'.  That one I scored 9 correct out of 10. (Everyone knows that Dudley Do-Right was always chasing Snidley Whiplash.)    I finished my first ever game of Words-With-Friends this morning.  (My sister won big time.)  Tonight I'll work on a crossword puzzle before I go to bed.  I also bought another jigsaw puzzle at the library's 'Book and White Elephant' sale this morning.  They are all part of my coping skills as winter begins to set in.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanx for playing Words With Friends with me. Yes, I won the first game because there are no instructions and you have to figure it out for yourself. However,....who is winning the second game? It is not me. :-)
