Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Two-striped Grasshopper

I built the house so my cats could have their own space - it doubles as my utility room.  It works to both of our advantages - they have a place only they can access via the cat door in the study and if I block that door I can keep them from the rest of the house.  Since they have plenty of room in there, I put in a large sandbox for them.  I took a  long low plastic container originally used to store blankets under the bed, removed it's cover and partially filled it w/ kitty litter.  I also placed in the utility room a regular kitty box they used in the Big City.  I had read somewhere that, given two litter boxes, cats will choose to defecate in one and urinate in the other.  That turned out to be true w/ my other cats.  I was curious if the kittens would do the same thing.  I completely emptied and cleaned both boxes.  At first the kittens used whichever box they felt like but I've noticed now that they are urinating in one and defecating in the other.  The interesting thing is they are urinating/defecating in the same boxes the other cats used for '#1' / '#2'.   Of course, there was a 50/50 chance they would.

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