Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Partridge berry

Stopped off this morning to have coffee w/ Aunt June. Don't tell her that at first I mistook another elderly lady asleep in a wheelchair and w/ a scarf around her head for June. The nurse pointed out my mistake before I woke the lady up. Talk of coffee and cookies brightened her up fast and we took off to steal cookies from the Assisted Living area to eat w/ our coffee. We discussed the Republican debate last night (well ... I did most of the discussing) and then took off to see decorations around the complex and came back to her room to look through her Christmas cards. An aide came in to get June for brunch. She said she hoped June would eat something because she hadn't eaten anything last night. I told the aide not to be too concerned if she wasn't hungry - June not only ate her cookie but mine as well in between slurping down her coffee in record time this morning.

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